Friday 18 October 2013

Gods And Godesses

Hello bosomed bloggers! It is Danielle Friday with your host, Danielle! Awaiting for punishment. As usual. I feel like we should give Reliable Kate (which is what we are all calling you from now on) for being the person who hasn't ever EVER missed a post. Also for yelling down at us when we haven't written our posts or are in the way to forgetting to write a post. We love you really, Kate. You're the greatest, as my brother would say.

So while the girls decide on a punishment for me for missing last week again we will talk about Roman/Greek gods and goddesses. I don't know what it is about them that just draws me, but ever since I learned in Social Studies class when I was in the Philippines that there were people who believe/d that different gods ruled different things, I was obsessed. Being brought up in a relatively strict Catholic household, I had never heard of polytheism. I always thought everyone had the same religion, all over the world. I don't know why I wasn't encouraged to learn more about other people's religions because when I finally did got educated on the hundreds if not thousands of different religions out there, I was so interested. Learning about people's different faiths opened my mind and expanded my horizon in a way that nothing had ever really done before, so that led to me finding out that different people have different opinions, and that's okay! SHOCKER!!! 

But anyway, back to the theme. I want to talk to you guys about my favorite goddess. Her name is Ananke, and she is the goddess of "destiny, necessity, and fate." Basically, she decided everything that will ever happen ever which is why all of mortals as wells as all of the gods pay respect to her. How badass is that? The person dictating the life of all gods and mortals, even Zeus, is a woman! I think that's really cool.

Another cool person who is sort of related to Greek gods/goddesses and who I found out while researching this topic is this guy called Pausanias, which wikipedia calls a geographer but to me he's more of a traveller who kept a travelling journal. Basically this guy went to places like Egypt and Greece and Italy and wrote notes on the lives of people in those areas. He wrote about the places he saw and the practices of the people he met and today he's an important figure in archaeology and history. I wish I was him, I really do.

Anyway that is it from yours truly. I'll see you again on Tuesday!

...or will I?

Yes I will.


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