Saturday 2 November 2013

This Is Halloween

Welcome to Danielle Friday Saturday! No, I'm not a guest blogger on Kate's blog. This is actually a collab and I'm a part of it. Surprise!

I've always loved Halloween. It was one of the perks of moving in Ireland because we don't really celebrate Halloween like this in the Philippines. At least not when I was there. We celebrate more of All-Saints/All-Souls Day in there. I have a lot of childhood memories of commuting for 2 hours with my mom to her homeplace and spending a full day in the cemetery. It's never rainy when we go to the cemetery. It's always hot as hell, made hotter by the hundreds if not thousands of candles lit, but we'd be there nevertheless. The only way I could describe the tombs of the cemetery is like if you stacked one sarcophagi after another, and you just have, like, an 8 foot tall container of where the remains of the dead are. Me and my cousins would climb up to the very top of the tomb and we'd play cards or eat or something. I will never see those tombs anymore cause they've been removed when my grandmother died so now we just have a little mausoleum for the seven people who died in our extended family. But they were a very important part of my childhood. One year I wore fishnet stockings to the cemetery. When I removed it I had fishnet tan lines.

I miss that. But Halloween in Ireland is cool too. The first year I dressed up was when I was twelve. I was a vampire because I was hang up on the Twilight series. I'd like to think I've improved four years later. This year I dressed up as a fortune teller, and I thought it was very believable. Halloween is an excuse for dressing up without anybody looking at you weird, and I love it.

I hope everyone had a brilliant Halloween as well!


P.S. That was a very Nightvale post the other day, Kate. I like it.