Saturday, 7 September 2013

And The Wall's Come Tumbling Down & Punishment

Hi, Aoife here.
Welcome to Saturday's post - Insecurities.

I would love to say that I don't have any and that I am strong enough to not care what others think of me but alas that is not the case. I am sure that plenty of people out there share some of my fears because after all beneath everything, we all have things that we are to afraid to show.

My biggest insecurity is that people won't accept me for who I am and that in being myself I lose the ones that I care about. I know that people would say that if someone can't accept you for who you are then they aren't real friends and I do accept that. But that does change the fact that it still hurts to lose someone who you consider a friend. I spent a lot of time when I was younger inside my own head and inside the worlds I found in books not because I was afraid of people but because I was afraid of what the thought of me. I have changed a lot since those days and gained confidence that wasn't there before. This change was mainly due to finding people who accepted me as I was and helping draw me out of myself.
School, I find tends to send me back into myself, not completely but enough to change how I view myself. Outside of school, I feel more free to be myself and act myself but in school I don't talk as much or act as impulsively.

Insecurity Number 2: Appearance
When I am talking about appearance, I don't just mean your weight, height and facial features. I mean how you conduct yourself and what you wear also. I mean we live in a consumer world where almost everything we see is influenced by the media, from the way we talk to the clothes we wear. I always feel like there is this invisible pressure to be like everyone else, to go with all the latest trends and buy branded clothes just because everyone else has. I think there is also a lot of emphasis on looking a certain way-skinny, gorgeous and more often than not, tall. I'm not very tall which doesn't bother me that much except when I am surrounded a group of much taller people, which does make me feel like they are looking down on me. I'm not very insecure but looking at rake thin models makes me so frustrated towards the influence that drove them to look like walking skeletons.

I know that I have plenty more to say about insecurities but unfortunately I am exhausted so I'm going to keep it short and sweet.
There are always things that we wish we could change, either in the world or in ourselves. However things don't just fix themselves because you want them to, you have to work for change or learn acceptance of how things are. But you should be proud of who you are because no one else in the 7 billion people on the planet in the same as you. So maybe it's in accepting ourselves as the crazy, misfits that we are that we find the strength to become something more then we were before.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
― Bernard M. Baruch
(Easy to say but hard to do)

See you next week,

P.S: Happy Birthday to our wonderful Orla! :)

P.P.S: Punishment
My punishment for not posting last saturday was to eat a Blenderised Salad and post the pictures of my next post so here they are:

And voila: the Blenderised Salad.
Half a head of lettuce,
4 tomatoes,
Sweet and Sour Sauce,
Milk (optional)
1 cooked egg

I used sweet and sour sauce because we didn't have any salad dressing and the milk is to tone down the saltiness of the sauce.

Overall Verdict:
Not terrible but I certainly don't want to drink it again.

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